Saturday, April 20, 2013

Folk Art Craft Fair

I honestly had no plans for the day and certainly no trips intended, but Tami called and asked if I wanted to go to the Folk Art Craft Fair at the NY State fairgrounds. I'm not really big into the Folk Art, but I was having a little Tami withdrawl and thought we always have fun, so lets go for it. Quick pint out of the dollar off coupon. Still $5- and really not worth the $5- fee we were soon in the Horticulture building at the fair grounds surrounded by everything "folksy".

totally cute stuff, but not really my style. Tami was in heaven. Her daughter Allie and I had fun several steps ahead of her trying the free trails of soup mix, 101 kinds of dips and smelling homemade soaps. I did score some great buys at the Jewery department. I got my mother in law a cute faux diamond NY Yankee pendant, and my daughter a three pieced jewery set for her prom. I also scored Gavin a ceramic wolf head necklace. I really wanted and have wanted to get Mary and Brian one of those wooden name plates for their camper, but at nearly $50- I had to pass. thinking I will find one cheeper at the NY State fair in Aug. maybe I can get one for us as well. They didn't even come with the cain to hang it. So elsewhere maybe. We tried a few wine slushies. Yum, and had some lunch (I had fries, imagine that) and headed outside to the fridged cold and took a look at the buildings artichiture as well as the memorial for 9/11. These old buildings are so neat and this one, although I have been inside at least 15-20 times I had never noticed.
And this is me BEFORE the Wine slushie! Yikes.

Allie looking cute!
Wine Slushies!!!!
  Nothing like NY STATE cut French Fries!!!
 Some of the cool exteior of the Horticulture Building. Pretty cool actually.
The 9/11 memorial is among several memorials for the military. I actually was unaware that the Syracue area had a piece of the World Trade center and had such a memorial . I believe there is also one in Dewitt, NY. This had an eternal fame buring. Tami and I had discussed what we were doing and where we were at the time of this nations crisis. It's hard to belive this took place nearly 13 years ago. So sad and with so many other national crisis going on these past few weeks; Boston Marathon Bombing and the Waco Fertilizer explosion, it was a moment to reflect.

It all turned into a fun adventure, and I had a little Tami time! Think I might go take a nap after all the fun had today. Tomorrow I will be attending a play. I will have to get back to you on the tittle, but I get to attend for free if I man the door. So I vounteered, hopefully it will be fun.

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