Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday already?....Vera House and Dog Park

Well it's Monday again. I survived the 8 hours at inpatient last pm and come home to a quiet house. Which was weird. Everyone was asleep. No harm, I was soon asleep myself. Today I have volunteer work at Vera House from 9-1pm and I plan to stop briefly at Judi's as she is hosting another CTMH pool party. There is also an ice cream book exchange at the library this pm, so I am going to attempt to encourage Gavin to go, just to get out of the house.
Went to Judi's and there was no one there? Are they hiding? I guess it was CA. Called the IRS when I got home, and ended up on the phone for nearly an 1 and 1/2 hours. Hopefully things will be addressed. I have until the 24th to get all my paperwork in. Time on the phone pushed in to the Library time so we never made it, and Gavin wasn't up for it anyways.
After dinner we decided to take the dogs to the Good Dog Park and get all of us some exercise. This was the first time we had taken Riley there and we excited to see how he would do. He wasn't quite 100% sure about all of the other dogs, but he did get his body moving.
The Good Dog Park is actually not to far from our home and is on Onondaga Lake. If you follow the trails it will lead you to Onondaga Lake Park.
Dog people are always so friendly. We met a few women with their canines and there was a ton of husky's. It must have been Husky night. Peanut did his usual, which is to sniff everything.

Your a big fella...and your a small one.
We tried to get Riley to do some tricks he obliged by going through this tunnel.
Three other Husky's were visiting the park as well.
Echo and Tessa. I didn't get the third dogs name and the owner wasn't all that friendly.
I needed to get my own body moving so I took peanut for a little walk along the trail and the lake, but first I caught this cool boat on the lake. (I almost never see a boat on this lake, but this one was different from even a regular boat)
I took the picture from inside the fence, so it wasn't as close as I would have liked. He was moving fast too and I would have never got out of the two gates before he had passed.
Peanut and I traveled along the lake and I tried some nature pictures.  Here are a few

There was a mud lock on our walk as well. I took a picture (Above) and got the information too. (below)
And my last shot of the evening, as we were leaving was this flower. I do not know what kind it is, but it was big and pretty.
It ended up to be a nice evening. Looking forward to keeping up with the walking. Not once did my back bother me on this walk. Feeling hopeful.

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