Friday, April 19, 2013

FLASHBACK Friday: Rosemont Gifford Zoo AKA Burnet Park Zoo 2011

For falshback Friday I searched and found  a few pictures of our local zoo in Syracuse; there are more to come on this travel trip as we once had zoo passes and have taken multiple trips including the Zoo Boo at Halloween, which was supper fun. For today I will just recap a summer day with my little guy and his friend Luke.
The Burnet Park Zoo, the name I have always know it as, has been in the area since I was kid, and I recall several summer day visit myself as a child. It has come a long way from back then, and actually a highly recommended visit if your in the area and like animals.
The penguin exhibit was a big eddition a few years ago, and they are surely one of the zoo's favorite attractions (although the smell somthing awful) they are tons of fun simply because they interact with you. The boys had so much fun watching these little guys chase their fingers accross the glass.

 Another favorite as well as a newly expanded area are the elephants. They have a gigantic enclosure to raom in. When I was a child the entire zoo was located in one big building and the poor elephant (there was only one if I remember) was house in a cage just big enough for the guy to possibly turn around in. My mom might say otherwise, but I swear I remember one time, when they released a mouse in that cage for a demo, and recall that elephant FREAK out. It might have been a child poor memory, but the zoo at the time as clearly to small, and riding on abusive by todays standards. Well not these elephants. They have full range. They still do elephant demo's but I never again saw they released a mouse and to be honest, I cannot imagine an elephant really afraid of a mouse anyways.
 The youngest of the pack. Isn't he cute?
 And talk about cute!!! These boys I had in tow on this summer day are simply adorable!
Another fun exhibit are the Lions. The are such proud magestic animals. On one trip I had asked about the top as there is none, and wondered if any outside animals had accidentily ventured in.  The zoo keeper gracefully without affecting little boy ears had infromed me that many birds (believe it or not but birds) had lost their life by landing in the Lion enclosure. Apparently, it has been pretty messy.

This is what the lions do to balls when they play dodgeball!
 My personal favorite has to be the Monkey building. These guys are awsome!!!!

I wish I had a picture of the baboon. That guy can really get WILD. He will  up to the glass and hit it right where you are. He can look pretty ferice too and his BIG rainbow colored Butt always makes the kids laugh!
HOW many birds are there anyways!!! The bird enclosure is open and everytime we enter I am waiting for a big poop to land on my head. It also Smells to high heaven!!! Peeyou!!

 these guys were pretty cool. There was a presentation on birds when we visited, and although he wasn't present,the demonstator spoke with the Kookabara (sp) from accross the way. It was so funnyto here his little laugh. I can't imagin how to spell the sound so I wont attempt.

 We ended the day after milking a few cows, and headed out for some lunch. There is tons more to see at this zoo, and we always have a good time. I will most definately be posting more of this place on my Flashback Fridays and perhaps a more recent trip as well.

These painted horses are located all over Syracuse, I have also seen then in Saratoga. I have tried to research their origin online with little success. I think it would be fun to have a visit to all the locations of these guys and make a game of it with a picture montage. I just dont know where they all are. For now I have to take one of three last Fridays to my current job, and later tonight a trip to Sandy's for a little scrapbooking.

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