Sunday, April 7, 2013

Weekend Wrap up: Career Change?, SU basketball, Homework, and BOYS!!!!

I cannot believe the weekend is already over! There was not much trip taking this weekend, but lots of business taken care of. Thursday I resigned from my job. It was a long time coming, and there really was not alot of thinking to do about the decision, it just had to be done. I'll spare myself and any readers the details and simply say it was for the best. My last day will be May 5th. Only a few regrets; I most likely will not complete the schooling I need for my license; (as I cannot afford it and they were paying the bill), I will miss the friends and co-workers I have come to love and appriciate, and I WILL miss working with clients, helping with problems and all those things that made me get into counseling in the first place.

On a less personal world altering note, (although I am sure is was world altering for many others)Syracuse University Basketball team was in the final four. It has been ORANGE everywhere this past week, and I had to join in with the hoopla, (especially since this semester I am officially an SU student). Hubby and my little man got me a final four shirt to wear proudly....Unfortunately their reign ended last night! So NOW when am I gonna wear the shirt? I do LOVE how Syracusians (?) love their school teams.

Spent last night listening to the game, while doing homework. As the semester comes to an end, I have been a total nutcase with addressing papers, projects and trying desperately to get my group project completed. I feel pretty confident that my part is done, I'm just a little FREAKED because my group has not gotten together to collaborate and I have no idea how to put my part/information into a powerpoint presentation to present this Thursday. We were suppose to meet this afternoon, and once again someone has something else going on. I cannot meet on the alternative time Monday, and the project is due on Thursday people!!!! I HATE GROUP PROJECTS...just saying. This will be my last college course, license or not.....I think I've had my fill!

More exciting this weekend has been the friends I saw, the BOYS at the pool, and taking a t/o to play with paper and scrap. Friday night, hubby went out so the little man and I hung out together! Saturday morning was spent with my dear friend Renee enjoying pumpkin spice coffee and decompressing about life stressors. Saturday afternoon I did take a trip! My little man and I meet up with my girlfriend Carol, her two boys and Stacey, two of her three boys and hit the YMCA! April promo is FREE YMCA membership so it has been great to have these ladies be able to go to the Y. We just had to go to the Y-North and play in the pool.
I should have taken my cue from the moms and bolted to the exersize room with them, but I choose to stay with the boys; FIVE in total!!!!!! WOW, were does the enery and the aggression come from. These guys were brutal. Some how enjoying a dip in the pool became an all out attack of ball launching and red welts on little boy backs. I just stood and took pictures as this ball throwing "game" playfully esculated. The lifeguard didn't seem to mind, but my little man sure did, he was out of the running before the attacks really got brutal. They all seemed to have fun, I was just SHOCKED at how assultive they were to one another. One of the missed opportunities I guess of having my two boys (the exact same ages as these boys) only spend a few weekends a month with one another. Much less brothers picking on each other.

  We ended the playtime, had some Micky D's. Damn Carol for having food control, she didn't eat with us....and I wonder why I am so fat? I did enjoy my chicken wrap and those few fries I stold from my son despite it all. My son went off with Carol and company for more fun filled BOY time, while I headed home to address my group project. Glad to see my little guy out and about even though he got to watch the final Twlight movie and I haven't seen it yet. He had fun and thats what important.

I guess that ends the Weekend Wrap up. There is still today to unfold, but I am thinking I might lock myself away and relax, do a little more scrapping, maybe read my Games of Throns book before I catch an episode of it tonight on HBO.

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