It was an incredibly humid day, but a pleasant walk. I did however suffer from my lower back pains and we did not complete the whole three mile hike. ( I have been instructed to have this checked out immediately....I concur I will be told to simply LOOSE WEIGHT, but have also looked into scheduling a medical appointment).
The walk was nice just the same and there were many pretty sights along the way.
I lost my camera lens cap along the way and we had to walk back to find it. We found it.
Considering that my hubby was watching the boys back at the house, I didn't take her to find a local place for lunch like traditionally we have done on our Folksmarch. I am hoping once people's lives settle down with summer vacations etc. that the Folksmarch crew can get back into the swing of things. I gotta get my butt in shape too!
Joseph had hoped to go to Destiny Mall as he has not seen it since he was a little kid we made plans to go.We anticipated Katie (Kelly's younger sister to join us for the day, but she refused to go to the mall) The three of us went and hubby kept the little guys.
It was neat to see Joe's reaction to the mall. Sometimes you need new eyes to appreciate the things we take for granted. Joe is a FRAT boy and his style of dress is in my opinion so much like the 1980's "prep". We went into a store filled with pastels, plaids, and flashback to the IZOD style shirts, only these had sheep held up by a balloon. (Brooks Brothers I believe). I made fun of the styles and decided that there was no way I would wear a long crew shirt dress and call it a fashionable outfit EVER. Then I looked at the price and definitely would NEVER EVER! Joe had to buy some pastel colored shirt, which I poked fun at him about, and we made our way to a few more stores before we decided that we would get lunch and head home.
We had lunch at Gordon Biersch's (I had thought I had a $10- credit on my G&B card from the last time we all ate here in March for the Folksmarch, but when we checked out it was not there....Damn I hate that!) Anyways I enjoyed a nice salad, and the company just the same and Joe got his last glimpse of a mall he remembered only by the Carousel.
Once back at the house, Katie and her son Devon finally arrived, we enjoyed the pool, video games, and the girls and Joe (Renee also came down) spent the evening examining our future through the tarot.
Years ago my friend Karin and I took a non-credit course on tarot card reading, and after discussing our own experiences with psychics (We had discussed attending the Psychic Fair that was going on earlier that day, but we never made it to.) I was asked to preform some readings. I insisted that I had forgotten all of the information and that I no longer had my "cheat" sheets, but apparently you can get card interpretations on the web. All of us had a reading and ALL of the outcomes were RIGHT ON with the person. Strange how that seems to work out that way. It was an enjoyable day and I am enjoying my friend's visit from Florida.
Sundays plans are to BE LAZY and swim in the pool!
Sunday we all went swimming, had a cook out on the grill and simply enjoyed a full filled day with good friends. Kelly and Katie planed to return to Auburn (Her hometown) and we were to all meet up on Tuesday for Kiddy fun at the Mall (free kids stuff, a magician and $1- movies...plans changed and we never did get together on Tuesday.)
We enjoyed that Sunday just the same despite my son having an emergency ear problem, that we still are unsure about. He went to the Dr.'s on Monday due continued problems and there does not appear to be any damage, but he reports being deaf in one ear. He has been scheduled for a follow up hearing test and ear/nose throat specialist.
Here are pictures of the better times of the day.
Much fun was had!
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