Friday, August 23, 2013

Noting fun about a trip to the IRS

Yesterday was trips to those places no-one wants to go, but has to. My first trip was at 6:30am to drop off darling daughter. (I cant complain to much this was the first time all week) then off to Downtown Syracuse to go to the local IRS office. I decided that I would do everything in my power to make the trip to the IRS pleasant as I could, but first I needed to find the place, and then sometimes even more important find parking. Hating the idea that I had to pay to if my taxes are not enough..couldn't they at least give FREE parking? Mark told me the building is in the same place as where they use to hold Party in the Plaza, so that's where I went first. WRONG, thanks for the bad directions babe. A nice officer helped me in the right direction and I found, after several u-turns (hopefully not illegal, but I was so determined to find a spot to park in..I would have taken the ticket), a spot located next to a nice park. I tried the meter, which was out of now what am I suppose to do, and decided to get one of the tickets from across the street. I put 75 cents into the machine, and with expiration time of 9:45 (it was only 8:15 when I put the $ in) I was confident that it would grant me plenty of time and some time to explore the adjacent park with no problems. ( I was WRONG, but I digress).

Once inside the building I quickly found the correct office and was greeted with four others who had made their Thursday morning trip also to the IRS....bummer. Now we have to wait and wait, and wait. Doors finally open, now we wait to check in. Show ID, what are you here for, do you have your SS card, what tax form....and so on and so on. It is now 8:45. Okay my turn, "all I have to do is drop off some papers". Here is your ticket, see the officer to the left and wait for your number to be called. Officer checks my bags, and probes me with one of those electric wands. On every wall is written; No cell phones, No food/drink, No guns and NO PHOTO's. (well that just sucks). I joke that I have a camera but no gun, food or drink and cant afford a cell phone because they (the IRS) have taken all my money. No response, serious Job hun officer...cant even crack a smile. I noticed later that HE could use his cell phone.  The first two people in line go right away...then I wait, and I wait, and I wait. I start getting restless and make comments to the people next to me. "Big sighs" then an even bigger yawn... it is now 9:20...tick tick tick tick. I visualize the meter maid approaching my mini van. 9:30...tick tick tick. Finally the women if front of me is called....tick tick tick. whew..she was pretty quick. I'm thinking I will be too. NOT! 20 more minutes and I am OVER my meter time. Don't I run into a person I know...."what are you doing here?" I am asked, "oh just spending my free time enjoying the IRS office today, it beats the beach"....He at least had a sense of humor and laughed. I do my small talk...BUT the meter is running here people.

 I can see my van and the street as I cross. Either there is no meter maid, or I have already been ticketed. I decide that either is what it is so I SLOW down and visit the adjacent park, keeping my eye on my parked car...just in case.

I am not sure of the park name, but enjoy the slower pace that I have set and examine the few statues. I also take note of the passer byers who possibly find me funny to watch as I juggle my camera and several files of IRS paperwork to get a good picture. I am happy to see people also enjoying this small strip of pleasantry in the city and smile as I cross over to where my van is parked. Is there a ticket? Please be ticket free. YEAH!!!! I made it...NO ticket. BIG SMILES!!!!
Now I can head back home.  This picture is from my car as I begin my trip out of the city.
 Once I get home, and retrieve the mail, I find a nice surprise in my mail box..I found too surprises on the floor in my back room too, but the one is the mailbox is more fun and so not disgusting. I got my fair Ticket and parking pass for FREE, well except that I have to work for three hours at the Vera House booth. Hey FREE is FREE right.
I clean up the other present in the back room. YUCK will this puppy ever get it? He will be out all day, and come in only to shortly pee or poop. Its enough to drive you CRAZY. (Apparently I need to work on my manual focus..geeze)
Next on the agenda is meeting with Katie to drop off the PR goodies. What a nightmare that was. Every 9-11 year old boy in Cayuga and Onondaga County was at little Shove Park in Camillus. I planned to enjoy the park as we looked for her with the pups, but NO DOGS ALLOWED. Who ever heard of a park with no dogs allowed? So it was CRAZY with people, I spent 30 minutes standing around looking for her and IT WAS A DOWNPOUR. Needless to say, I finally found her and made the drop. Horray! I will not elaborate on what a cluster&*K the park was...but REALLY? Who came up with the idea to have that many people in that park was on CRACK!
Done with the drop, now on to get the dogs rabies shot. We made out way to the West side of Syracuse, which was not to far from where we were. Thank you preplanning, but the area is not exactly the best side of town...a little weary I pulled onto Gifford St, and we found the church offering the shots. The dogs were pretty good, although Riley was all over the place, he didn't notice getting the shot. Peanut did and boy was he pissed.
Picture of St. Lucy's church where the Rabies clinic was on Syracuse's west side. I used to 'hang" out in this area of town when I was in my teens. My boyfriend at the time, lived over here. Little did I know I was in drug central or have any clue just how rough the area was when I was young and dumb.  live and Learn. shots a success.
 Three more years til Peanut has to endure this and one more for Riley. Glad it is done, and guess what? No one asked for a I didn't make one. Now I have $10- that I didn't expect to have. Suggested that we get a $5.99 pizza from Little Creasers for dinner. Naw!!!

Gavin begs and pleas for cheddar fries from Heids. OKAY so I am a sucker, and he has really ben good about eating healthy. Only if I can have a few. Agreed we took our trip towards home stopping at Heids for some fries and a Chocolate milk. I had three fries and Gavin cut me off. Thanks and THANKS! Thanks, for being so selfish...but THANKS for not allowing me to PIG out. I have lost 8 pounds since our healthy living discussion and I do not need cheddar fries. He ate while I walked the dogs, after cheese fries, I was informed that the ice cream place right next door has doggie ice cream treats, so I got the pups some. they LOVED it.

they ate every last bit...and looking for more!

 Despite having one of those not so fun days it ended well. Gavin and I watched Face Off on demand and soon I was sound asleep.  Today is off to work some per diem hours.

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