Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Awe SCRAP, no POWER! and the Dog's are licensed, but don't let them drive.

Sunday I had one of my Open Scrap events. I was not sure who was coming for the exception of Mary as I had her child at my home, and Mindy had called to report she could not attend, but otherwise I was just gonna enjoy the day. Around the time that I anticipated arrival of friends, we and most of the neighborhood lost power. Several of the neighbors had come out of their homes (myself included) to investigate and with a few exchanges of it should be back on soon...(which it did not) we were all back in our now darkened homes awaiting some signs of ELECTRIC flow. I was sure that with or without power the girls and I could successfully craft, but pizza and mac n cheese in my electric oven and a moment without x-box capability had my child walking around in living hell. In an attempt to offer some solace I proposed board games by candle lite, which sparked yet another "issue" and yet another and as my friends arrived I was just about out of my mind dealing with the boys and their inability to handle another single minute without power. I continued to adjust to the situation, although we were all wishing the oven had cooked our lunch by this point, and I was wanting a generator more then anything just to spark a few volts into that damn game system.
Cricket and her daughters arrived and she and I tried to adjust only to find that her daughter needed to charge her phone, and by now no one was enjoying the board games at all. About to put a bullet in my head....POWER returns. Oh Thank You God!
All children left my craft area and hit the games or other activities and finally we ladies could enjoy our time. As luck would have it, my food had continued to cook just with the heat from the oven so lunch was nearly done, so lunch was set, plenty of beverages for everyone, Mary arrived and Hooray all is good with the world. NOW it was Scrap time!
Cricket and her two girls, Izzy and Ally.

Time with my scrappy friends is always fun, and I don't think I have seen Cricket since April so having her there meant catching up with whats going on, and several scrapping items to attend to.
I personally only did one layout the whole time, Mary completed several, and Cricket reported that she has finally finished her Halloween books...making the day quite productive for most.

Mary with her cute little curls.

Cricket's girls also crafted...

After lunch Mary pulled out pumpkin sugar cookies, with icing to decorate. Everyone had fun making faces on their personal pumpkin cookie.
Despite the loss of power early in the day, it turned out to be a wonderful time.

Later that evening Gavin and I took the dogs to the Good Dog Park. I am always so scared of the Dog "Police" and we still have not made it to the town clerk to get these guys licensed. Fortunately we and another family (I don't think their dogs were licensed either), were the only ones there and NO dog police were in sight. However, the one dog kept harassing Riley and quite a few times I felt it was crossing the line of "good" dog behavior at the Good Dog Park, which made me even more concerned about making sure our dogs were within the guidelines of the Park rules. God forbid something was to go wrong. Riley handled it well and would simply turn on his back to surrender, but these owners kept saying, their dogs and that is how they behave. What if Riley had reacted differently and charged this other dog? or to be totally selfish, this other dog full out attacked Riley and hurt him? Licences are NEEDED and I wont risk it again.

Monday I worked.... I really have to get away from this place and I have three more scheduled days at inpatient this week.
Tuesday I went to the gym, (I know...Hell just froze over) meet up with Mary for some tread mill time, I signed up for some home improvement classes, then my daughter and I made it over to Town Hall for dog licences. Two brand new recycle bins, a business card listing low cost neutering, and $32- later... the dogs are NOW licensed. Yeah! Now we can all rest a little easier. Even if these guys have their licenses I'm still not going to let them drive....Peanut especially cannot reach the gas pedal or break.

So far it has been a busy week. Longing for the weekend. When I heard that the National Parks were on lock down my heart nearly stopped. (Selfish as always) OH NO is Niagara Falls a National Park? I'm pretty sure we are safe with that as I think it is State run. Whew!

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