Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday the 13th & The Vera House Recognition Luncheon 2014

Happy Friday the 13th!!!! Mark is working late tonight, so Gavin and I are going to spend this superstitious evening watching the first Friday the 13th movie. When we rented it last night with this plan, he noted that the movie was made in 1980. He thought that was soooooo OLD!!! I had him guess how old I was then..I was a little hurt when he thought I was like 18 or something. NO not quite, just about 10 years younger. I was NOT watching this at the theater at the time for sure, and it was much more likely the first time I did see it was when I was closer to 18 years old. He made fun of The Exorcist before he saw it, then he admitted it was way scary...Maybe Jason will FREAK him out in this one..or was it Jason's mom whose the killer in this one? Well what ever we will find out tonight...
At any rate, Cricket is coming over for the day. We are going to spend this RAINY day crafting. She has a big project that is DUE at the end of the month and I have volunteered to help her get it done.

The Vera House Recognition Luncheon.
 We were suppose to send in pictures of ourselves for this board, but I forgot. They did get me however in the lower corner.
 right side lower picture with the three people....there I am.
 Volunteers and Vera House Employee's.
 Some of the Volunteers.
 The salad. I did not know any of the people at my table, but introduced myself and made some new friends. The women who sat across from me had been attending the luncheon for years together. The were supporters and all friends for several years. Also at my table were two other crisis call volunteers. One I had just met that Monday, she left suddenly just before the luncheon began.
 Matt Mulcahy of CNY News was the key presenter.
 Randi and Karen.
 Annette Briggs
 Our treat. Chocolate bars.

Awarded were;
 Presented the Sister Mary Vera Award. Annette Briggs.

It was a nice event, I enjoyed myself. I have been considering ceasing my volunteer involvement with Vera House, and this event has made me re-consider my link in the bigger chain. Sometimes I forget that even though I only am a small part of this bigger piece, I am important and do make a difference. The lovely women at my table reminded me of this yesterday as did the words spoken by the board of directors. I do so enjoy making a difference even the tiny bit I do. Sounds like my company is here....TTFN

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