Derby Day/del Lago Resort and Casino
May 2018
May has been so busy and I have been so behind in my post, the days have run into each other. I am attempting to play catch up on my blogging before this Friday as I am off on another big adventure.
With that said, sequentially Derby day and my visit to del Lago were not actually in the same weekend, but I missed noting both in my posts so I simply combined.
For Kentucky Derby Day, Mark was off betting horses, and I was off to Christine's house for National Scrapbooking day. (Interesting that one of Mark's favorite things and one of my favorite things is on the same day. This has complicated things for years. Not so much anymore with the children older, but when they were little it was difficult to assign child care for the day.)
I will not mention much about how much I love Christine. She is AMAZING! She had hosted a day of scrapbooking at her house and I was fortunate enough to join. Me in my Derby hat.
Homemade chicken pot pie for lunch and meatloaf for dinner. Hello yum.
Judy made this delish pie for desert.
After food we watched the race.
All of us who dared to wear hats......and their off. The favorite won. My number 9 didn't even come close.
All fun. Now back to scraping.
Another day this month I met up with Kelly and her friend at del Lago resort. I did gamble (quite a bit for me.) It might be time to call gamblers anonymous....I lost terribly. BUT....Mark got a new freebee; a watch. We had some fun with one of my bestest. Dinner at the buffet. (It was really really really good.)
del Lago has the BEST desserts. I had raspberry cheesecake.
All this food no wonder I can't fit in my summer clothing.
I actually needed to go out an purchase new things for my next big trip coming up in just a few days...this.REALLY SUCKS......not that it has stopped me from eating all this amazing food.
After dinner we enjoyed an evening with Ruby Shooz.
This was a free concert held at the casino. It was a nice surprise as I was unaware that there would be free live music when we decided to join Kelly.
As you can guess, they played 50's style music.
They were very good.
Kelly and Shawn did some dancing, but I could not convince Mark to do any. I guess the honeymoon period of our relationship is over.

We enjoyed the music and company for some time, before Mark
and I decided to head home. It was an enjoyable evening with old friends and new.
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