Thursday, June 24, 2021

Spring has sprung: working on the house, lawn and planning for future

 May 2021 On location at home. 

There are a ton of projects on my todo list. Opening camp. Mark and I took a trip out to camp and 1st looks were good. Everything was clean, it smelled nice, no rodents, no damage was seen, I was pretty happy....then I saw it..... in the corner of the wall between the two slide out, I noticed a wet spot. NOOOOOO...not water damage. The location is odd as there does not appear to be any water in the upper part of the trailer. I searched inside the cabinet directly next to the damage, no water. Searched the seams along the wall. Felt the wall on the the other side. Nothing. It seems odd. Where is this coming from? Well, there was not a ton we could do today. The water isn't even turned on a camo yet. So I wiped up as much as I could and placed a damp rid container nearby. We wont be back out for a few weeks, so I am hoping that the leak was when the slides were in. They are out and ready for camping. My thought is there is a small enough leak in the slides somewhere and the only access for run off ends somewhere inside the trailer to this area. We will need to spray and watch to find the culpuret. This is a bummer, but we will handle it. In discussing our future plans, Mark and I had originally decided that the trailer would be our "HOME", but after some consideration and the Casita purchase. We are likely to sell the trailer in 2 years along with everything else. The casita, although it continues to be a work in progress and has been in the shop now for nearly 6 weeks, will allow us to travel as we hope to do, and apartment living will keep us central to any locum positions that Mark will take as he move into retirement. Mark will retire from his state job in June of 2023, but will not collect his retirement benefits for another 10-12 years. Doing the locum will provide the financial support and keep us moving all around the county. The locum position will pay for lodging (within a budget) so we can simply find a place to live for the duration of his position. Of course the downside of living without our own home on wheels is we will not have the ability to move our things with us. So we have considered, do we keep the house in NY with all of our "things" or do we sell and get rid of everything?

This has made us consider what "things" are really that important, and if we keep the house do we give it to one of our kids? Of late we have made the decision to get rid of STUFF and intend on selling in two years. I wish it was now as the market is on fire. The house needs so much work to it, that we have even questioned if we should re-invest and correct all of the wrongs. (all cosmetic) or sell as is and accept that we will not get as much money for it. I had already started to do some work on it, and we have began to do the downstairs bathroom, but the lists of must do's is so long, I don't know where to start. Additionally the cost of materials has gone up due to shortages of wood. We need to replace several interior doors, the kitchen needs updating, we need a new deck, siding or paint on the exterior, there are multiple light fixtures that need replacing and some electrical work that is needed in the basement. (It has been needed since we moved in nearly 15 years ago.) We need new carpet upstairs, and someone needs to address the trim where we put down laminate wood flooring. We also need new floors in the kitchen, the  master bathroom upstairs could use a refresh, but it's livable. The front closet needs a new floor and sliding doors, our back room needs new sliding doors. We could use a pavement job.  New appliances would be a nice touch. Oh my...The list continues. I am working on finishing the downstairs bathroom, but that has been a long going project, so I am not at all thinking we can tackle all of the additional things on the list in two years. The important things and perhaps most expensive have all been taken care over in the last 5-10 years. New roof, new furnace, windows, pool liner, multiple sun pumps. Do people buy homes that need that much work? But when it comes down to selling or keeping I do know that there is only a handful of items that I feel I must keep and that is my scrapbooks. I have too many, but the memories are important to me. I had thought about taking pictures and putting into the web somewhere. I simply don't know what I will do. 

For mothers day my husband got me these lovely pieces of jewelry. Very nice and I got them early. 
I have been doing some geocashing of late. I had gone several times with the boys when they were younger, but now that I have the app on my phone, I can pretty much go where ever I happen to be. On this warm Thursday I had headed out to the local Farmer Market to purchase flowers. I found several very beautiful ones for the garden, but the weather recently has been incredibly cold, I was afraid there might be a frost, so instead I went looking for these hidden treasures. 
I found this one along the Onondaga Lake creek trail. It is a very nice walk along a paved walkway along side of the creek. up off the walkway a bit I found my very first of the day. I added some emoji trinkets, but didn't sign the book. I always forget a pen. 
It was a nice 3/4s of a mile into the trail and it was good to get my heart rate up and outside walking. 

The next attempt was not successful. I did find this stone which was in the hints, but I could not find the cashe anywhere. I looked and looked. I felt a little silly after awhile and headed back to my car. 
In the same few miles I began searching for another one that I was unable to find. This was even more weird, I walked around the area for a long time and there were several people in the area too, so I know I must have looked like a weirdo. I finally gave up and headed back towards home. Along the way there was one so I took a chance and went looking. This one was hidden well and way back behind the trees. I had to climb over trees and squat down under branch's until I finally came to a clearing. My GPS coordinates were helpful and I followed the tree all around until I found this guy nestled in the tree's arch. Hey, I found you. 
Again, no pen to write with, but I added a few more emoji's and felt good about finding the cashe this time. 

Just up the road was another location. I decided to stop and take a look. Right along the lake near the memory Butterfly Garden was a location. I looked for a bit and was psyched to have found it. 
This cashe was made in memory of a friend. 
Pencil was there, but the tip was broken. Couldn't sign the book. I left some emoji's and decided to walk in the garden while I was there. I then found some kindness rocks hidden about. 
I left some kindness rocks and decided to take these home. I want to fill my garden at camp like I did last year and then send them all off into the world again. I am low of rocks to send out there so I did some painting the other day. My rock supply is also low so I will have to go and search out some to paint. 

My last three geocashe attempts were fails. I stopped at this area and searched and searched. The actual GPS coordinates were located under a parked car, so I attempted to look in the areas near it. The hints were in a hole and located between wood and metal. I really did search, but simply could not find it. I finally gave up. I did find this odd thing that looked like it could fit into the holes by the GPS coordinates. Wonder if maybe the cashe has been removed or lost. Not sure. 

Until my next adventure. TTFN

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