Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Florida Easter 2023

Florida for Spring break
April 2nd-April 8th 2023

We were back on the road to Florida just a few short months after our last trip. We soon realized as we were on the road and sharing much of that road that it was clearly spring break for many of the families up north. Rest stops were crowded and there were tons of families. Note to self. Avoid spring trips along the South routes in the future. I find that the fall is the best time to travel either north or south, but that is just me. At any rate, I will save you from the bore of this now pretty well traveled (for us) route and tell you that, like most of our travel to Florida, the trip is LONG. We have become used to stopping somewhere in South Carolina as this seems to be about as far as we can push now adays. 
At any rate, we were....home Or at our 2nd home again. 

I have to say that this trip has perhaps been the most "boring" of trips as we really didn't do much of anything except, live as if we were in fact living there. We have met many of our neighbors, we enjoyed the apartment complex and what living as a senior has to offer including the brunchs, wine get to- gethers, games and the live entertainment. As well as spending much of our time at the pool and hot tub, we did steal away and go to the beach. 

Ahh...but the pool.

I took an art class one day.

Not bad. But I'm just not that talented. 
Mostly we spent time with our Florida family and ate way to much food. We seem to eat out way to much when we are here.
We happened to be here on Easter and the apartment held an easter party. 

There were hidden eggs all over the building. They made a nice meal and we had some lovely entertainment. 

This very talented violinist is named Char Good. She even played devil went down to Georgia for us. She was great. 

I spent some time alone relaxing by the pool while Mark spent some time with his son. 

 Before I knew it, we were heading back to NY....but it is warming up in NY and I anticipate a fun summer in that state. TTFN

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