Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Nashville April 2023

Nashville, TN
April 20th-April 24th 2023

Well its that time again, Tulips annual trip to Nashville. This trip included Me, Annette, Chris and Dorie. We spent day 1 traveling. Every trip takes about 1 full day just to get to and from. I have said it before, I hate travel days. It is always stressful. We had a delay in Syracuse which put us back on our transfer in Baltimore....we barley made it to our 2nd leg. 

Day 2:We started our first day in Nashville with breakfast at Waffle House. Love this place and there are none in NY. 
We had 11 of the guys with us on this trip and they were a fun bunch. After breakfast we made our way to the city of Nashville. 

First stop is Ryman Theater. I believe I have been descriptive about this place in a previous blog, so I wont go into to many details, but this was once the home of the Grand Ole Opry. They still hold concerts at times, but it is mostly used for tours. 

This place does have an interesting back story, so if you haven't read my previous blog, I encourage you to do so. Or google, who am I kidding. Long story short, this place was nearly torn down if not for the determination of one women, whose determination and drive kept the place alive. 

Our tour starts with a short movie and history and we are soon walking along the halls of the place entering into the theater itself.

There are display's of articles from famous musicians along the walls and corridors. It's always a fun time, best part is the picture of us on the stage. We had some great pictures as some of the guys pretended to be famous country stars. 
( they did not have everyone's pictures after our first day, so they let us come back and take those that were missed, so Dorie and I got a 2nd one.)

Up next we headed to the main street in Nashville, Broadway. We hit up a little honky tonk where we spent a little time enjoying the live music and had a few cocktails....well actually sodas before we headed over to The country music Hall of Fame. 

We had started this part of the day a little late, so we really didn't have much time in the museum this time, but we decided to make the best of it. 

I'm not a country music fan in the sense that if given the choice of musical genre, I would put country around the same number as classical, but I can enjoy it and I do love history. Of course there are those country stars that even I have heard of, but in general, most of the names I have never heard of. 

I do know cars though and this trans am is from (perhaps not so country or is it?) Smokey and the Bandit. And I LOVED the movie A Coalminers Daughter. 
This has to be my favorite room in the whole museum. This is the awards room and this inverted tower is beautiful. 
As we left the museum it started to downpour, I was so grateful that Chris and Annette had gone for the vans to pick us up, just before it came crashing down. It didn't last long however, and we made our way to dinner at Corky's BBQ. 
Can you say YUMMMMMMMM
We had breakfast and made a bee line to downtown Nashville, in an attempt to beat the crowds. We had realized the day before that Nashville is crowded, and we were here on the weekend so finding a place to just relax and enjoy some music would be difficult if we waited until later in the day. We went to Legends and enjoyed some music before making our way to the area's food court where we found The Shake Shack. 

I had a yummy greasy burger and cheese fries. (Can I just say, I wonder why I am so freaken fat?)

Downtown was already getting super crowded and to be honest, people are just RUDE, we had tickets to The Grand Ole Opry for tonight, so we decided to do a stop at the opry store, pick up our tickets early and relax before the show. 

I didn't know who any of the people were, but I did enjoy the music. 
The old time music is one of my favorite and this band, Riders in the Sky was one of my favorite. 

It was quite the night.
We spent our last day on Broadway, it was Sunday, and not nearly as crowded so we were able to enjoy the bars and clubs without being knocked down or dealing with the abundance of people on the streets. We did have a few people in wheel chairs so getting around was difficult.

We had dinner at Sante Fe. I had the country fried steak with gravy. 

 Bed was welcomed and we called it an early night. We all packed up as we fly home early tomorrow. 

TTFN- BTW, I will be back in Nashville later this year. We decided to go with just us girls. I expect to be living in Florida by then so I claimed I would just meet them all in Nashville. Exciting.......future blog to come. 

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